Gloom 10 is not for Spammers
Who the hell is player 0?
Locked to HMG Emplacement!?
Calling all Creek Vets
Trump keeps evoking the historical period of the U.S. between 1870-1913 for its supposed greatness. Why is there the sudden interest in this specific period and what is and is not true?
Is the Diligence CS worth it?
This would be nice
Gotta said that Illuminate are so tanky than Automaton
They moved past chem trails. Now they are making chemCLOUDS. This cloud is full of DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE
Need online friends
Name your game
When somebody says I’m a high level for my difficulty
The Supply "Glitch" was Fun
I love this game
I want to make sigils exactly like this; it is so professional what software can i use to make this. or even trace around it easily using my laptop.
I was up at 7am all excited for liberty
One Single Autocannon Round
See samples you’re carrying?
Underground missions why?
Western themed warbond concept. What do you guys think?
The Spear needs some loving.
I hope AH isn’t taking notes from this guy
I have literally never seen anybody use this since the game released
When ur noticing way more auth left than you used to
LONG POST - Supporting the game long term