Why prince not duke?
Will Smoldering City ever grow?
4X Games for Dummies?
Historically accurate Ages
I hope they call the Romans (Byzantine) of Romans in Age of Empires IV
So... DO we know the time period of AoE4?
Aoe2 in satirical magazin "postillon" in germany.
best anti Onager unit?
Supplies will make samurai niche only
Results from some quick testing of the upcoming Cumans civ
Unique Unit Graphics for each Culture
Why wont the Lithuanians get their own campaign?
tatars bonus
Even in real life you can't escape the Teutonic power.
What civilizations could still be added in Age of Empires 2?
How would the game change if ranged siege engines weren't in the game?
[Gamescom] GameStar interview: New campaigns are Tamerlane, Ivaylo, Koten Khan
Historical Berbers Tech Tree
AoE DE Gifting Units
Give Saracens, Turks and Berbers Battle Elephants!!! /s
Historical range of the use of war elephants throughout history
Please update old campaigns with new civs in AoE2 DE. It would be amazing to have Magyars play for Hungary for example.
Aesthetic and Unit adjustments for DE
Your still forgotten civs
Thoughts on different size farms?