February Feedback First of the Month
New player help
X.com Links Will Be Removed By Automod Going Forward
Proposal to ban X.com links
Prismatic Augment: Biirthday Present Clarity issue or bug?
January Feedback First of the Month
Faker on why he chose 2015 SKT as the greatest team in LOL history: The youngsters don't know anything these days [T1 group interview with KR personalities at the Red Bull Event]
Made a personal augment/anomaly tracker spreadsheet
Rebels end game with Jinx / Zoe as Carry 1 / Carry 2--> Slotting in WW vs Ekko 2?
Wolf Familiars - Anomawy Discussion #12
Lone Hero - Augment Discussion #11
Tft macau day 1
Contested - Augment Discussion #10
Coronation - Augment Discussion #9
Beggars Can Be Choosers - Augment Discussion #8
Power Up - Augment Discussion #7
NO SCOUT NO PIVOT - Augment Discussion #6
Combat Medic (Steb hero augment) - Augment Discussion #6
Why Aggregation of Stats are Important - Bag Size Changes
Blade Dance - Augment Discussion #5
Is Chem Baron a trap? Is there a way to play it competitively?
Quality over Quantity - Augment Discussion #4
Starry Night - Augment Discussion #3
MarcelP DMs leak claiming that he is being fed augment stats by MetaTFT developers
Is not leashing as a botlaner considered troll / int?