Jeff Grubb says God of War Remaster announcement will happen around the anniversary in March
Sony Bend's cancelled game was made on a proprietary in-house engine, likely in Decima
Firesprite tweets about butterflies in Horizon Call of the Mountain, possibly teasing their upcoming game reveal?
[A9VG rumor] Reliable Chinese leaker teases SoP date
Kirby: Planet Robobot Relaunched is getting announced imminently.
Final Fantasy XV Remaster RUMOR
Dusk Golem: Zero Remake is still very much in production
Jeff Gertsmann: Bluepoint's MP God of War was not a Live Service game
PlayStation hiring for new studio in Los Angeles, and working on a new IP
Mass Effect 5 Official Image Could Be Teasing Return of Paragon/Renegade System
SamusHunter2 hints at new Star Fox Adventurers
[Gematsu] Falcom to release unannounced PS5 port in 2025 in Japan
EA Cut Dead Space’s Marketing Budget to Pour Into Mirror’s Edge Due to Mock Review Scores
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater coming in February 2025? Here's what we know
Kurakasis: "Astropulse: Reincarnation has been canceled, and its developer, Imagendary Studios, has shut down."
NextHandheld has shared the (supposed) first picture of the Nintendo Switch 2
Arcane was a critical hit, but not profitable for Riot. Sources say Riot didn't have a robust strategy to recoup Arcane's $250 million cost ahead of launch.
Dead Space creators want to make a fourth game and pitched it to EA this year. The studio said they weren't interested
GTA6 new trailer at December 27th? GTA6Plus account on Twitter seems to believe so.
Jez Corden says he’s heard from multiple people that if an Xbox game is skipping PlayStation at launch it’s because they either didn’t have the time or resources to make it in time
[Mike Straw Senior Editor for InsiderGaming] Heard that EA and 2K are in discussions to create a college basketball game
Samushunter2 new Switch 2 teaser
Intergalactic Plot leaked 4chan
Jez Corden heard that MS considers Hellblade exclusivity a mistake