Whos gonna tell mb sniper
This game unironically.
3 months of collecting
What's the best one of the two? Cons and pros?
Conceal carry mechanic?
Rate the Iranian kit (again)
My message to the cod gooners
Eagle Industries 100rd SAW pouch (no the 249 isnt coming yet shut up)
Idk how to flip my optic i’m on Xbox and the action menu doesn’t show anything to do
Mi 8/17 is here and im stoked
M45A1 CQBP tan slop is finished
yeah misandry is def being normalized…
20th century fox
My Kanan Jarrus cosplay
Het gaat helemaal naar de kanker hier op makkermebalnoot
Rape my kit
I like Bacara
When will chat be added to console
Raid strat proposal
What do you think this could be a flag for?
Verkoper met andere intenties...
Ik deel voortaan ook m'n adres niet meer