What are some controversial beliefs you hold?
prayer for healing
Why do some Christians believe that Christianity isn’t a religion?
My cozy orthodox prayer corner ❤️
Cell Jr. >>> Fraudhan
Are we sure this is a good ult? Lol
Having sexual sin is exhausting
A Mormon said this to me on Instagram. Thoughts? The LDS have ironically given all three sects of Christianity something to agree on (or against).
Someone asked me to explain Deuteronomy 22:29
What in your opinion is the coolest quote in the bible?
Ranking characters based on whether its ok to Alt-F4 when matching up against them
Us Navy warship firing a secret laser weapon named "Helios"
Rank them, 1-4 Best to Worst
lol I HATE Ginyu players
After a long Babidi session, it feels so good to turn off my brain for a while
What is the evidence that Christianity is true?
I don't how how more of this I can take....my eyes are overworked 😩😭😭
Ever since the DLC been out do yall still use your main character?
What denomination should I join?
Not even sure how I hit this
Probably one of the most entertaining matches I've ever had
Is lying always a sin?
Go on, transform into your 9 DP character like it'll save you
(1 & 2 Chronicles) Reading and Ranking Every Book in the Bible for the First Time [41-42/66]
Why would god create people he knew would go to hell?