How do I deal with my manager/shift supervisor
My boss and coworkers ask me to come in to cover shifts nearly everyday
Coworker lied about his age to try and sleep with me
How do I set fwb boundaries with this guy I started seeing?
My friend with an alcohol addiction is upset I’m not inviting her out anymore
Should I end my friendship with my old roommate?
How do I (25f) learn how to get rid of my avoidant attachment style?
My (24f) roommate (25f) is acting very strange, and may be having a nervous breakdown. How do I handle this?
My roommate is acting really strange and overprotective
I have no idea how to navigate dating
Should I confess?
I know it should be over but I don’t know how to stop the cycle
Scared of driving the ambulance in Boston
Outfit for scarlet tour
Now that I’ve stopped drinking I realize that my life has revolved around drinking
I can’t get my hair wet enough in the shower
I can’t get my life together.
First evaluation tomorrow and I can't sleep
I can’t get wet during sex anymore, and I can’t orgasm. Please help
Women who have scars on your body, how did it affect your dating life?
23f I have no idea how to date
how to accept the fact that i’m (26f) an “ugly” woman?
How do I deal with my future roommate and going out?
Taking a year off from education?