UCA (Central Arkansas Bears) & Arkansas Tech in Wonder Boys
It really has become cheater vs. cheater:
I NEED the validation before I lose my mind (dramatic)...
What devices are supported?
Pueblo Valley University: Navajo
yeah fuck this game….
What happens if the roster size is over the limit?
Help me choose my DCC reliever
Is there a way numbers can be mirrored to face the same way as shown in picture 1?
UNF Ospreys (North Florida)
University of Wilmington Bluecoats
Vermont Catamounts
My friends aim is next level
King County Thunderbirds
Canyon State Scorpions
Johnson City Shiners
Denver U Concept
USF Golden Brahmans
Lysander realization....
Its literally impossible that all of you are encountering smurfs.
Inappropriate logo in Team Builder?
Olympia University Royal Lions
Anyone got a character that is “on sight” for you? For me it’s Hulk.
Selecting Colors From Logo, But The Logo Is Way Darker All Of A Sudden?