(might be a bit morbid) Do animals lose their will to survive
“They’re just standing there… MENACINGLY”
how unfortunate!
Favorite character that is just so goddamn cool
Ishiro Honda, the creator of Godzilla was apparently a war criminal...:(
How to enrage every paleontologist ever, in just one opening scene.
What are some common misconceptions about certain animals diet?
Favorite character who’s looks doesn’t match their age
Take Your Pick.
Made up wackass meme characters
Hope you have life insurance.
Jurassic Park/ World with retrosaurs
Which team are you choosing?
I recently got back into the game thanks to all the Rebirth news getting me interested in JP again, and I’ve already fallen in love with these two dinos.
Fictional characters associated with real life Cities/Towns
How’s this even possible?
Visualization of how flawed Spinosaurus reconstructions are.
Staring contest
Duck Milk
Hello, Based Department?
ill be your mom now
Cougars are the biggest cats, and they meow and purr.
Kinks are not a competition
even more