All the talk about Kat's mistreatment is annoying
Lyndon James- what really happened . (Theory )
Mona S2 A reveal
Do you seriously think there can be another Beyonce?
Who is the best actor out of all the PLL male cast members? Who did you think would have the biggest career?
Rewatching Scream 6 and I can’t comprehend how people hate it…
Do you agree that TVD is the Greatest Vampire TV Show of All Time Yes or No and Why?
Why was Kwanzaa advertised as such a quintessential black holiday when so few black people celebrated it?
Which artist match either category?
Is The Vampire Diaries iconic in pop culture ? In the same way as Friends, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost, The Sopranos etc... (I mean it's popular on tiktok)
Is this exploitation or good business ideas?
I know I shouldn’t have come back here… well what would have happened in Stefan life if he never came back to mystic falls?
Season 1 was so mystical
What Black Business Are You Supporting
Marques Houston & wife divorcing
My neighbors finally took down their MAGA flag.
Walmart racism in the self check out lanes...
The village. What happened to ours?
just a visual representation of how long we’ve been oppressed…
Does Bonnie know she’s also a mass murder?
Cornrows on white people
Do you feel a connection with Black People from other cultures?
A boy made a video saying that he went home (he didn’t mention which country) & was shocked at much was owned by China in his country
So since Jews have their own state should Black Americans also get their own state?
What would happen if elenas mom and dad never died or Bonnies grandmama never died? I know it was a teen drama but the show didn't have to make everyone orphans.