Favourite breed/horse?
i (17m) need advice about ex (17m)
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Worst thing each character has said or done. Day 36: Catherine
My schools sexuality and gender club painted my face for me! (sorry my smile sucks I was just rly joyful lmao)
I love being fem
My baby leucistic fox. I love her so much <3
how do i ask my mom for a mastectomy? (top surgery)
hoe kan ik mijn moeder om een mastectomie vragen?
winkels foor transtape/binders
I wish there was a natural way to significantly grow your breasts
I join too, i'll give away 10k coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours!
If your username is a store, what do you sell?
I (17 F) flew four hours across the country alone to meet my online boyfriend (17)
What’s y’all’s most unlikely to-be-added animal?
Sex wise, what do you just refuse to do?
i bought two cougars and suddenly got a message they were about to inbreed. turns out they are infact siblings😭😭
Aesthetically, which pride flag is your favorite?
To everyone who still thinks he’s ugly
Ik hoor mensen zichzelf significant vaker "gay" dan "homo" noemen. Ik vraag me af hoe dat komt. Zit er een stigma of teveel lading op "homo"?
People who have 4+ kids, why?
Can cats abducted by two legs, or “lost” cats return to the clan?
My rl daughter & I playin’ RDO together. Our characters are Roaming Stag & Margaret Rose.🦌 🌹
Stable Glitch: every time I enter it does this. Can’t exit in game, does this at every stable location. Please help! 😩
What do you have 0 of?