john's co-headliner for the killers of comedy standup tour?
Jim J Bullock has no idea who SJ is despite having been in his failed movie....
NO! NO!!
Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, and now only Michael Singer is the end of the road for my spiritual growth. (the infinite road, of course, that never ends)
nycsss fill in custodian question about snow removal
Does anyone know if I can work part time hours on the overnight shift? Like from 9pm-1am? or maybe 10-2?
Serious Question: How many days in a row do I have to hit the gym to begin looking like this?
Kate IG post that will piss off John
Is that Bob in the backround??
I am starting to see it more clearly. A reflection on my 6 year journey listening to everything Mickey teaches. ( I just wanted to quickly jot this moment down- more for me, but maybe it can help someone else.) feel free to add or disagree with my poorly written reflection in the comments 😊
many teachers, like john, have an emotional support potato. I saw this on a teachers desk today at school.
Don't try to change the way you are feeling
They tried to warn you, but you chose not to listen...are you next?
It has begun....😱
Haha, scrolling the news today, I recognized this moron from johns "political" shows back in the day. All him and john did was praise Biden and how amazing a pres we had. I guess he was full of baloney, like john.
Should I be scared
Tapes version 2 - WHEN?
John's ex wife
What a historic month this has been. So long fellas!
He is going the way Lady DI did. He 100% has Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Since there seems to be so many dummies here. Very well done with facts, not opinions.
I thought john was still going to do a political show? Those were way more funny then his "comedy" shows anyways. I'll wait.
💦🧠🤣🤣🤣🤣 No shoulders, look at him. Trying to look like a big boy in the big boy chair…
john, don't you miss not doing anything and being cool like Opie?