What’s your opinion on monarchies, assuming they’re purely cultural with no real power?
[Marvel,Star Wars] If Frank Castle was a force user would he turn to the dark side or be a yellow Jedi?
After catastrophic flooding ravaged the Appalachian Mountains, Trump's administration has ignored all requests for aid
How difficult is it to be a governor of a state?
They’re so close to figuring it out
How come Japan's war crimes don't receive as much attention as Germany's war crimes during World War II?
Elon Musk on Fox; says “Entitlements” needs to be eliminated
What if Giannis had KGs shooting?
[Breaking Bad] let’s say Gus whacks Walt and his entire family, how does Mike react when he returns from Mexico?
Which animal species has been the most oppressed by humans?
[Any] Who’s a character that’s extremely arrogant but had every right to be?
What is the liberal response to “but Washington and Jefferson were slave owners too, why aren’t their statues coming down?”
Saul Goodman vs Matt Murdock in the courtroom
CMV: The Left are hypocrites when it comes to Islam
Who’s a historical figure that was largely demonized but wasn’t as bad as they were made out to be?
What kind of government would you set up after a revolution?
You’re an extremely advanced alien species that comes across Earth, do you intervene and help the planet?
[Star Wars] Who would you be more scared of, Grievous or Thrawn?
You are sent back in time 1,000 years to help a civilization advance and prosper
Punisher vs Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey
[Star Wars] how does Anakin compare to other fictional super geniuses?
What do you think about monarchies(as long as they’re purely ceremonial/cultural with no real power)?
We all owe Jaden Smith an apology fr
If the Avengers existed in real life, what would your opinion be of them?
If LeBron played in the 90s would he play more like a guard or more like a power forward?