Just received my Kumbreon box. Cracking it open tonight
Scalper getting irritated by other people not wanting to scalp
my life for a sceptile pokedoll.
Pulled these out of storage the other day!
14th run, great team, Girafarig little frail, Shedinja not so funny to use but can sweep Walace and Stevens Metagross, Armaldo and Heracross really good, Milotic probably best mono water type.
NSFW? Japanese guy I battled had an interesting arrangement in his binder...
What is this line?
[gen 3] Nearly Perfect IVs + Shiny Starter Charizard
What’s this worth?! TY!
I found my old Pokemon cards collection
Am I the jerk for hitting my friend
Hi, looking to get my wife a handheld for Tetris.
Having a hard time finding much info on this card hope I didn’t pay too much, thanks!
Does it look like original or opened?
Whats the best sets to look for right now?
Scalper scum
How much do yall think it’s all worth?
Help solve a debate
Tell me your favourite Pokemon without telling me your favorite Pokémon
Is this the smallest pokemon
I am Amaterasu, The goddess of sun. Ask me anything
Real card or?
W find at Target
[gen 3] Regirock in Less than 15 minutes!