People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
He's ignoring the judges, stealing money out of people's bank accounts and deporting people to camps who have the right to be in the US. Can the judge order the military to remove him?
Trump needs to be held accountable.
Uses for leftover corned beef cooking liquid?
What's trump really doing? Help us record the concrete actions and how people are resisting.
USA : Willing to take the Tesla fight to Whole Foods
Your guide to move away from big tech and support more ethical companies! (Updated)
USA : Election Truth Alliance has the Receipts on Their Substack - PA was severely compromised. Results Released Last Week
Post Mortem Discussion - From a completely neutral and strategic standpoint, what was the Democrat's best path forward in regards to the GOP funding bill?
Anonymous Speaks
What skills should I be learning for the potential war?
Do we have a blue sky?
Democrats Push AOC to Take Schumer’s Seat After Shutdown Surrender: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has managed to do the impossible: unite almost the entire left (against him).
USA : Democrats can no longer be seen as the solution
Young Democrats’ Anger Boils Over as Schumer Retreats on Shutdown
USA : If Trump declares martial law, we HAVE TO PROTEST it
Spotify is starting to feel overwhelming with all the BS they have added.
IL : *** In case you missed it, Spotify now has Andrew Tate "pimping hoes degrees" course including info on trafficking women. I've closed my Spotify as of right now. Here's how you can as well***:
A lobbying group in the US proposes the creation of corporate governed “freedom cities”
USA : Light Schumer up right here 50501
Come on down to the White House Tesla Auto Mall!
Tesla (TSLA) Stock: Trump’s Purchase Fails to Sustain Rally
worker's protest will soon be called terrorism
USA : Active Censorship/Media Blackout Occurring!!!