Silly characters played by normally serious actors
This needs to be studied
The title character is not the main character
The Main character, the cool or more on-business one, and the rookie.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how Colin farrells been killing it lately?
Does anyone else find constantly thinking about your passion Project exhausting?
One or both members of a straight couple are bisexual or otherwise queer
Living, breathing extinction events
Official crossovers that just… make sense
Petty evil.
When the silly goofy character suddenly enters God Mode
Scenes and exchanges that were 100% written by a parent
Evil characters who are stereotypically good animals
Friends with very different personalities
Villains betraying the one person who believed in them
When a story unintentionally has much deeper themes than expected
Character shows vulnerability but it somehow makes them even more terrifying
Mentor figures that *aren't* bearded old men
"Oh my God, they killed [Character]! You bastards!"
[Loved Trope] Male Characters that have breakdowns from the pain/trauma they experience
in-universe glitches
“Hey, this story is taking place around the same time as . . . oh. . . oh no!”
Voice actor cameos