Bottlerock ‘25
New roof
Another pic
Ridge Vent Necessary?
This has been my life for way too long, lol. I had to share because we all need a laugh. My daughter could not resist and I am wearing to my orthapaedic surgeons office today.
Back of knee pain?
Back of knee pain
Where to find Good Mexican food?
Hey Sacramento L&D RNs…
Is there anyone here that only had one shitty knee?
Pain Meds
Hot tub
were you off pain meds but had to go back to do exercises?
Pain meds (opiates)
Help please. Doing this alone.
New to the group
Did I wreck my Dutch oven?
Hip bursitis
Pain with sitting
Mentally Done
How Long After Your TKR Were You "Back to Normal"?
Knee buckling