Water damage on laminate floors. How much should I be expected to lose of my security deposit?
Free parking near Lion Yard?
What’s with the buses here?
How come Voldemort is only a threat in England?
An die TV-Experten: Könnt ihr mir bitte Empfehlungen aussprechen? QLED oder OLED? Am besten 65“, bis 1,600€. Danke!
Cashier at Norma asked to check my bag – is this normal?
Buildings I like in Dundee
Buildings I hate in Dundee
Leverkusen: Nach Unfalltod einer Elfjährigen – Berliner Platz hat jetzt Schutzblinker
Couldn’t the EU just threaten to add a high export tariff to ASML chips exported to the US?
US President Donald Trump: I will impose tariffs on the EU
Kann man die AfD jetzt noch verbieten?
Bündnis fordert generelles Autobahn-Tempolimit
Was ist das?
Is silver st buses only?
Should i trust DeutscheBahn?
German Chancellor Dismisses Elon Musk's Attacks: 'Don't Feed the Troll'
Why houses in Germany are so susceptible to schimmel (Mold) ?
Car parking to visit cathedral on our way from Luxembourg city?
what used car to buy under 10000 euros
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TFL: More bus stops to get CCTV to make women feel safer
If you were a mega-billionaire and could transform Dundee, what would you do?
Cycling in Centre
Christmas Markets in the west side of Germany