Not mine: saw on Twitter 🍰🍰🍰
In The Breakfast Club, We're supposed to believe that this girl is ugly.
Rose colored glasses
Mean Spirited Humor
🔥The Tibetan sand fox. Their skull shape and short ears give them a very distinctive appearance.🔥
Wrong birthday present.
Gen 9 portrayed by Spongebob
Paramount really did need to stop having Michael Bay direct movies
Movies that pissed off entire countries
Am I the only one that thinks Yamai Ren was the best and the cutest Komi san character ever?
A cool lore detail that I wish could be integrated into canon
An Alternate Timeline we wish for…
What are your hot takes on the Shrek 5 trailer?
My Marowak Alola cosplay
A few of the Sinnoh gym leaders in first Pokemon Diamond and Pearl bother me...alot
Who is your favorite Australian Actor?
My problem with Angel Dust’s dilemma in Hazbin Hotel
A problem I have regarding Valentino from Hazbin Hotel
Opinions on Shigeru Ishiba?
What is your favorite finale movie of a cartoon?
What movie is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
Which one are you the most hyped for?
I can't wait for demon slayer infinity castle
Megatron was weak like you! He died only to be reborn, like me, of Unicron, and speaking of The devil, who's The Best version of Unicron
I just beat Sonic Unleashed, ask me anything!!!