Seeking affordable home improvement / catch-all store
What age did you get a hysterectomy?
What do you wish you knew earlier?
even after 250hrs playtime I still find new things! I love this game so much
Greenhouse bug?
why cant i wear my beanie like that smh
Finally beat my southern baptist aunt at her own game
Lorelei Maze Man question guide?
Snaggle tooth
What seemingly unrelated things got better after your hysterectomy?
It won’t hurt they said.
Do any of you have issues walking?
I feel like I wasted my time obsessively reading about endometriosis
What’s your reaction to your friend’s pregnancy announcement?
Parents, "lack of child friendly spaces", and why that sounds so egotistical to me.
How to upcycle this thrift (covering the original)?
How much help do you really need first two weeks post-op?
Lino print birds with something to say.
I always forget lactase… Handstitched vegetable tanned leather and solid brass!
Does the depo-provera shot or hormonal IUDs work for PMDD symptoms?
Pain worse after eating?
I re-watched S01 E01 of Bojack Horseman and I thought it was bad that PC says "you didn't respect me enough to have a baby with me"
Derivative embroidery.
How old for chemical menopause or ovaries removed