You woke up 100 years later, what is the first thing you google?
[BAD VIBES] Subsonic Weapon used on the crowd in Belgrade today, making them react like some kind of magic attacked them
What's the worst disease humanity ever had?
Maybe maybe maybe
Resident Evil 8v VR is absolutely spectacular!
AP trenger din hjelp til å finne et nytt slagord.
General Discussion
Roadmap predictions?
Tyskland ruster opp og denne gangen med alle vestlige nasjoner på sin side
What was the world like before everyone had a cell phone?
Dette må være en spøk?
Police raid on my apartment
Planetary System Found Around Nearest Single Star
What photograph do you think best represents the dark side of our civilization?
The average Trump Supporter - Jubilee clipped the video and good on them
how powerful is this nation?
I Imaged Mars Every Few Weeks Since May 2024 to Reveal it Getting Closer and Bigger in our Sky.
Tell me what country in Europe should start an empire in the comments (I will pick the most interesting one)
Glad for at r/norge ikke styrer utenrikspolitikken
USA trekker seg ut av Europa, men øker i Ungarn
18-year-old Syrian Muslim girl Ryan al Najjar was tied up with tape and then drowned in a ditch in the Netherlands by her father and brothers for being too ‘Westernised’.
Forsvarssjefen vår stoler fullt og helt på USA, hvorfor er det mange nordmenn som ikke gjør det?
Til dere som mente JD Vance' tale var viktig: