Saw this in the Sky on Monday night. South East. What could this be? Definitely not a plane.
YSK: “No-stir” peanut butter contains a lot of palm oil. Palm oil plantations are a huge driver of rainforest deforestation.
Posted in my local Sub. Reminds me of Alderney 07! Thoughts?
How will these fair on the mailbox trek?
Sex drive less on subs than full agonist opiates?
Skier falls into crevasse. This is nightmare fuel.
Tall Tower ain’t complete without some flags. 🇨🇦
Squats at 7 weeks post op
You are offered a one time transformation to get into any shape(human physique) you want, however you experience all the physical sensations of the journey to get there in one 24 hour period.
60 Minutes: Drone swarms inside the U.S. could be spying
My Hostel in Berlin put up Anti-USA Signage this Morning
Needing advice from other recently clean addicts who have been in long-term (5+ years) relationships with a sober person the whole time.
Tell me again how skinny tires are better for snow
Help getting off Roxie mexi blues (M30 presses)
How is your country doing today? March 15, 2025
If you had to quit 400mg oxy daily, how would ñ you do it? Describe your protocol. Thanks for any help!
What’s happening on Carnarvon right now?
Severance Season 2 - Episode Nine - Discussion Thread: - "The After Hours"
$25 per cigarette.
Driving to AK from the lower 48 with a felony
Should i consider this a hidden blessing?
I want to hear some sub taper experiences! Is 2mg and below really that bad?
Canada to announce $29.8B in tariffs on U.S.
Highlights from Guatamala? Any other countries in the area you would recommend?