42F, wannabe travel blogger. I live in a van and walk dogs for money. Life’s great, knock me down
Anyone ever gone from 0 exercise to finding something they’ve stuck to?
Questions to the Gen-Z Grimes fans
Lopsided aging?
How do you manage life and work 40 hours a week?
Something pulls me here.
Mini wheats
My Attempt to Not Drink Today
How to be a fat ally at the gym
State by state my personal observations.
What should people know about your city that doesn't get talked about enough?
Anyone choose to be homeless?
What did you use to think you enjoyed but you only really “enjoyed” because you was drinking at the same time?
Why do people state the obvious
What perfume would I wear?
What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen while on the job?
What has giving up drinking given you in return? I need some motivation to keep going.
Please give me a shred of hope
Adopting a Rover dog
Anyone else absolutely HATE calling people by their names?
Looking for a mechanic for vintage van
Which city do you think is most and least welcoming to its transplants?
Watching “Alone”
Why did middle age people used to look older?
Cirrhosis question