What songs do you think would be in this album
Concept of how detainer 3.0 will look, since he is likely to be demoted and given less powerful upgrades
Skibidi saga 14 Part 2 - Redemption Discussion board
What did you think of Maxedy’s UTSM 3.0?
Me when I see a slight television race enjoyer:
Do You Think The Tv Men Will Receive Upgrades With Their Titan Gone? If So, What Upgrades Would You Give Them?
Upgraded these childrens,which is best one?
Skibidi saga has 2 kinda major flaws, please read before downvoting
Poll time #3 The secret agent is the most overrated character!
Comic - what the 3 obliterators were doing while juggernaut and ttvm were fighting
Grassland Battle (Non Canon)
dude..., why titan pencilwoman can't be naked around just like the others, WHY DOM WHY
funny little skirmish
I fixed tcm and made him 3.0,how is it?
tsw, she is a secondary project intended to take tsm place if he gets infected by the astro parasite
coaxed into skibidi analysis youtubers
Concept of one of juggernaut's children (like astro scout)
TV's back P2
TV's back P1
Fun fact: Both juggernaut and doggernaut lost an eye and lost a weapon on their arm in a fight
The next 2 weekends will be intresting for the skibidi toilet community