What outreach ministries does your church focus on?
Shame surrounding Adulthood baptism
How many people here have gotten private messages from "Christians" trying to condemn them or force them to stop being gay
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
Your username is the hottest new dating app. What’s it like?
4-7 inches of snow expected for RVA Tuesday
ISO 90's-2010's funny bad movies with awful CGI and green screen work
ISO local churches that accept donations for clothes
Why did she even go
What breed do you think my new kitten is?
What character do you want back on the show the most?
How to manage people when the world is falling apart
Why do bad people always act the holiest?
really disillusioned with the state of things
When, if ever, did/will you consider yourself done with cross-pollination?
Guilt for liking the same gender
Any resources that can help me re-shape my image of God that religion has taken a toll on?
I created something called Project Budde
What helped me overcome *THE* hard to swallow verses
Has the church been wrong for 2000+ years on the gay issue? YES!
what’s your least favourite storyline and why?
Where to donate handmade items in RVA?
Separation of church and state
I’m so proud of Bishop Miriann Edgar Buddy she makes me proud to be Episcopalian.