Uncomfortable feedback
Yes I am going to rant because I <3 Smite 2!
“Equal purchasing power”
Lotus Water PvE God Rolls and Usage
Inters3ct's results of the "most wanted new gods for SMITE 2 by the fans" poll. And honestly the first place winner had me very surprised (although they have only a 0.01% higher score from the character in second place) on this video's end.
D2 armor is better than d1
What is the imminence pve god roll on Console?
Being in uni has increased my respect for highschool teachers
Wards need to change
Content creators/grifters doom posting are harming the game
What on earth is going on at hirez?
Smite 2 now has less average players than smite 1 did in mid 2024
Why did the light do nothing to the witness but later destroyed it?
For the smite 1 was always gonna die crowd, an honest question
Will Smite 2 Last?
Why do destiny recasts always sound so different?
Don’t get baited this is the true lotus perfect roll
Was salvations edge rushed? An analysis
how the hell do we know eris is alive this act?
Excision has been broken for weeks now and nobody cares
Light's plan against Raye penber wasn't stupid...[spoilers]
Servers just dropped?
IMHO: this is probably the best stoicism perk combo for survivability on prismatic titan
Nothing in this box is playable