Which one is better
Wait so his whole controversy was that he smoked weed in 2017???
How common is this for indian men?
Characters who represent healthy masculinity.
What character can defeat Richard in a Lazy Off?
Name one post that would have you like this?
Bad doodles
What character looks attractive to everyone else ,But. Not you?
What would it be rn?
*cough* *cough* King of Thailand *cough* *cough*
If you were to die right now. Would you say the life you lived was a good one?
Who's a human character that you know that does things that doesn't seem Human?
What’s the most morbid/disturbing YouTuber or YouTube account you’ve come across?
When clothes hide your final form.
Misinformation and racism against Indians
Why do gamers hate Black women so much?
Im curious about this onee... Helpppppp
can you name one
Aqua hugs Kazuma a lot
This is how Megumin became the most popular character and you can't change my mind. (also explosions)
15M any tips?
If you had to choose an anime to rewatch every month for the rest of your life.What would it be?
Just do it!
Yikes...Is that who I think it is on her shoulder?