What is his age?
What do you think this console room could be? Secondary? Another Memory one? Something completely different?
God forbid a boy want to be marked
Does this count as SA?
Are you more into "pretty boys" or "manly men"?
I honestly didn’t know what I was expecting from this sub but tell me WHY I am deeply interested
Is it annoying if a guy tries more than he should?
Do boys refer to each other in any other way other than “bro”?
Finally got my first unique at level 85.
I was at work and Had to Do it to em
Guys, I think I have my first girlfriend
Do you actually use socks n stuff??
Im a manly man but...
Double unique vegito acc
Can I grow further?
What on earth is going on with instagram reels?
Where would you be born?
First time I got lucky in a fest Banner
[19F] me + my boring ahh fit
If there was one intellectual superpower you could have what would it be?
15 says to 13, "If we had regenerated, from you to me, I would have so worn your outfit."
How do we call new mael?
Look at what my cousin drew for me.(Please no hate he's only 11)
What's your mile time?
Nothing like a prayer before sleep