I know what I’m doing when the bombs drop.
Sean Beans acting range needs to be studied.
what’s a video u really believe everyone in the world should know about, fully understand, and agree with?
Which president had the most successful military career? Which had the worst?
🏀🔵⚪️ I design a new Kentucky jersey after every win this season: “Fields Are Array”
When you see other Marine vets out in civilian world, what is your common greeting of the day?
Do you HAVE to be a recruiter if you are a career enlisted man in the Corps?
I am going to post a picture of myself everyday watching the TESVI trailer until it releases. Godd Howard is gonna regret ever teasing us
A few hours after JFK was killed, a Secret Service agent almost shot LBJ by accident. What if it actually happened and Johnson was killed a mere hours into the presidency?
Lets normalize telling potential recruits to go airguard, fuck the army
Anyone here ever get lit up by the smmc or cmc?
Which NFL player in history do you think could have won an Olympic gold medal?
Spot the difference
If you had a genie that gave you 1 godzilla related wish, what would it be?
I just got out an hour ago when is it supposed to hit?
Does anyone else feel the unease. Is it just me?
So I'm washing my cammies to get ready to take them to DRMO on Ft Leavenworth, and I'm sad
Why do you like sports?
I'm surprised this hasn't popped up on here yet. Whose boot is this?
Marine To Guard
Any perks of joining the Guard.
Which President had the worst death?
Career Planner here🫡
Need to lose 7 pounds in two days
For people who firsthand witnessed it, what was this guys presence like?