Chris Bledsoe Doc
[OFFER] $100 USD to 2 people in need (Venmo, PayPal or Amazon gift card)
digital nomad / snowboard bum
Help identify!!
Happy 102nd bday to my grandma!
is NM worth visiting in February?
2025 New Mexico BFRO Bigfoot Expedition August 14-17, 2025
Considering moving to NM. Anywhere from ABQ to Santa Fe and surrounding area(s)... any thoughts? Pros/cons of living in these areas and perhaps neighborhood recommendations?
Any ideas?
Just want a wish for my birthday.
Is it bad to eat primarily rice and beans with some veggies?
Why hasn't EIon apologized or clarified that he didn't intend to do the nazi salute?
Serious: EarthFiles Linda Moulton Howe: Do bloodless, animal mutilations provide Grey E.T.s food? With Whitley Strieber.
What do you think about art vending machines?
Living with my autistic nephew has killed my desire to have children
Moving to Las Vegas New Mexico.
Found in my bathroom
My cat is afraid of me like 80% of the time. Should I rehome her?
I live out of my car & have no food.
Is it possible to live a stable life with no uni/college degree?
Can anyone tell me what this is please? Found it in the house in the UK
Gift ideas
Tom Delonge speculates that aliens want humans to make a series of "bad free will decisions" in order to enter our bodies
MILD green chile powder
Please help what is this bug. Found 6 of them in my condo.