Type "Shark bit my______ Off"
Type in, “I am thinking about”, & then let auto-correct finish the rest.
The backrooms one is the 2nd most annoying thing that a new SCP person can ever say…
Type in “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s…” and allow autocorrect to finish it
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
Type “I’m your” and let autocomplete finish it
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
type "mr" and let autocorrect finish
say can i and let the text complete it
Let's see those suggestions
Wyd if you see this message
Just pick something!!!!!
What got y’all into the S.C.P Foundation?
What would you do in this situation?
Nickname for SCP-055?
Which SCP 001 is your favorite?
Is this canon
Oh god, they are at The Dollar Tree now.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
What SCP would you be most afraid of if they were real?
SCP Logo
SCP-096 label but uncensored
Please dont let it happen
what scp actually means
Who knew that When Day Breaks could happen in the WoF world.