Thanks, I hate this new building design Dubai unveiled.
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Drake the type of nerd to post these
I will... definitely will.
Super Rare Red Deer
Mekhane approved
Jeff is Git Pirl
Glider as transportation? How effective would be?
Big Nile crocodile gives a warning bite to a trainer
Coaxed into.........
What's wrong with the guy sitting behind him Peetah?
“The gays are indoctrinating our kids with drag queen story hour!” The straights:
Dreamt there was a Reddit user with negative 609 trillion comment karma.
Coaxed into not liking a popular piece of media.
Retired boxer saves a hostage at Kazakhstan airport
Most common ethnicity of White Americans by county [OC]
It’s been 2 years since we lost Scroomish
is he? what do you think?
You will eventually pass the level, do not worry.
America has the most magnificent natural beauty in the world
I live in the Southeast US and have set foot in every Southern state. This map is what I think about each of these states.
best maps for run and gun?
The coffee I got came with a card saying what they were listening to when roasting