Ye sends pictures to carti
ye was supposed to be on FOMDJ according to a reliable fan page
So what can we expect to be the chase card of Journey Together?
If Uzi is on young vamp life it might be song of the yr
Claim your “i was here” button
EA vs LUV is rage 2
Saw this card listed for sale online, and want to buy it for the amazing art. but I Can't find it anywhere. Is it a real card? If so, from what promo set? Thanks!
Who would be your dream Ye collab if they were still alive?
Next soakbuy will be Good Ass Job era
Joe (of JoeHub) is gatekeeping finished Photo. Instead we get gbs like JIK era Let It Go
I finally got some Blooming waters! Thanks to Costco Canada.
What is the best thing you pulled?
Victini collection as I have issues
Pro baiter
What city should Ye hold his first concert if he launches a new tour?
New tat
It’s been a bit more than a week, how do we feel about this song?
Ye spam reposts Frank listening to river
Should I be keeping these in the plastic ?
I bought these at a card show and I'm not sure if they are fake or not.
Whyd we let ts cornball become famous
Yall think Ye will have a comeback
My Mew collection so far! Which ones should I add to fill the page?
just opened a few packs and wanted to know if india's scamming me AGAIN.
What do you think of Shinji Kanda's art style?