Playing 1
How do you handle Drake’s fans?
Telus $30 a month, 80GB of data
Redditors who have switched career in their 30s/40s, what was your experience like?
How Can I Learn to Relax and Slow Down My Game?
What’s your dream job?
Edmonton Driving!
What’s a basketball story you never tell, because everyone will think you’re lying?
Am I allowed back to America?
Tips for Visiting Emergency rooms
Which rodents are responsible?
Charge nurse duty
Any success in planting Japanese Maple trees in Edmonton?
Rootflare? Too deep? Is this bad?
Didn’t get an invite…
To fill up more soil?
What would you do with 100$?
If Trump wins the election, what if he starts World War 3?
Noob question here!
How thick is the layer for 20mm washed rocks? Noob question here.
My mom just had a brain surgery and currently admitted in ICU.
What in the shit show happened to this. Im getting paid to fix this. 6x6 burried in a concrete about 2 ft.
Accept into NP school while as a nursing student? That this is possible is astounding.
Deck builder yeg?
Nclex isnt going to be the only basis for practicing as a RN in alberta. What do you guys think about this?