Queen is much stronger than everyone thinks
People are starting to realize that he’s actually the biggest bum in the series
Who has better speed?
Is Powerscaling just Agenda pushing?
🤫. I always found the “big mom wasn’t going full” kinda dumb narratively because why wouldn’t she in a life or death situation? This just proves it. They still resorted to BFR but she wasn’t nerfed
Can Raigo one shot a Yonko if it hits?
Kaido is genuinely the worst match-up for Akainu
This seems controversial . Who wins ?
“Cherished Akainu” “Top 1”. Bro he sucks, stop.
If Akainu is 100hp at the start of MF, what HP was he when he returned?
Mihawk himself stated he will try against luffy, proceeds to not hit him a single time. Why isn’t this talked about more?
Shamrock is stronger than every Admiral
There isn’t a single admiral who is defeating this duo
How do you guys think, Oda is going to cherish HIM?
Yonkos are a tier above Admirals, it’s not close.
Whitebeard did Akainu so bad that admiral fans convinced everyone that the anime is filler 😭😭
Which is your favorite weapon and how do you use it?
[No spoilers] Tape 2 in one month…plans?!
Is Berleezy not going to play Life is Strange 4 ??
I don’t care if this is from a movie, it’s a realistic feat I will be using as slander from here on
Kizaru fans, show me the EXACT panel where he “beat” Luffy, but here’s the challenge *it can’t be fanart*
Gun to the back of your head name a single top tier a single admiral has defeated solo 💔
The admirals are NOT EOS VILLAINS!! Stop scaling them like they are.
Just seen people argue that the marines would defeat the world government 😭 this fanbase is cooked
Queen is stronger than King