We keep buying and hodling. Yet price keeps dropping. How?!?
"Have we won yet?" Re-visiting my prediction about Fed Rate Cuts, Market Crashes, and the potential impact for GME and MOASS
What do the various Technical Indicators *really* tell us about the current state-of-play...?
Alive and well in Tokyo
"The DASHES mason...what do they mean?" A closer look at the SEC's FTD reports, and implications for both GME and far more widely...
GME Ownership Update 2/21/25 - Institutions picked up another 6.6 Million Shares since my update 2 days ago. Reminder that your Votes are becoming more important by the day as Institutions add to their positions.
So what actually happened on 13th January?
GameStop Announces Plan to Pursue a Sale of French and Canadian Operations
Why I H0dl
Can RSI help us to anticipate what may happen in the next few weeks?
Whats in the basket? Hint: it is ready to blow up.
An early prediction for Q4 and 2024 Full Year Earnings
I just bought another 1000
In my personal opinion: not long to wait now...
Why did Ryan Cohen make this change now, after 4.5 years?
It's a 'Requel'...not a 'Remake'
Today is the 4 year anniversary of the most upvoted Reddit post ever. The title was "Times Square right now", and it got 490k upvotes. THOSE DAYS WILL COME AGAIN! 🚀🚀🚀
If we truly are in a REQUEL, then price now goes up to $36 to $40+
Hedge Funds Kept $1.8 Trillion as Fees, Nearly Half of Profits Earned Since 1969 (Bloomberg)
From New York, to Sao Paolo, to London and now Dublin. Perhaps the deception is unraveling. And the data they used to try to hide the TRUTH...is now leaking out at the edges...
Y'know Apes, I *thought* I'd seen everything possible in this saga.......
Latest CAT Errors data is out
Strong signals on the morning drive to the office today
Yesterday's price action...excites me
With GME back to showing NEGATIVE BETA - a likely key technical precursor to MOASS - how has my prediction from the summer on the potential impact of Fed Interest Rate cuts fared?