How do I get my iron up? Am I overhydrating?
Work whilst living in a car Ireland
Curing laziness should be a higher priority than it is today.
You can die temporarily
Romance is an overrated, outdated, time-wasting, courtesy
Most shocking fic you've read?
Fics you want to exist, but you can't or won't write them yourself?
i hate being the failure of my family.
I am a surplus man
I got dumped and will have to start living entirely on my own salary. As of Jan 1st, my food budget for the month is 100 eur and I NEED to eat 100+ grs of protein a day. Please share your food recipes and ideas on how to do it.
Gf of 6 years is having her first depressive episode
r/JRPG thread about banned loli steam game devolves into "am i really a p*do?" discourse and no one was shocked
I want to move to the US
Why do so many parents drop their kids off at school?
Anyway to make $150 weekly to not be homeless?
Work from home as a disabled with no experience.
Weekly Water Cooler Talk - DataAnnotation
Just need help
Do you have a lot of things in your trunk ?
ASK A NARCISSIST - A bi weekly post for non-narcissists to ask us anything!
What’s the best way to get filling and protein rich meals without wheat or nuts?
What else can a disabled person do?
Homeless disabled in Hillsborough County, FL.
Biweekly ask a narcissist thread for visitors/codependents <- Not a narcissist/borderliner/histrionic/sociopath? Use this thread.