My first Sororitas model (Battle Sisters squad)
Sons of the Phoenix jump infantry!
Krieg Artillery done!
Finished Farseer.
Craftworld Faera'núr Progress.
The female custodian from the Warhammer 40k Tithes animation: a guilty pleasure
Finished up the three cannons.
Kan i anbefale en psykolog?
The first aeldar in my new army
Question: How to paint this purple hair?
Striking Scorpios
Camping near Bethel Woods
Yay, I finished my first white Tau
Goldfish [OC]
A 1000 pts Kroot-heavy army list. Does it look reasonable? (I've never played Tau before and I'm grateful for any advice)
Farstalker Kinband
What are your top 5 favourite works/pieces of science fiction and fantasy of all time?
Krootox Rampagers ready!
I painted my first Kroot doggie 😃
A goblin family
Aggressor, the burny sort
Had a Britney moment and now I look like a Taiwanese monk 🤷🏻♂️