The Official Boxset Megathread
When does the individual models release?
Jag svär jag är en av er🙏
What legion or chapter do you all represent in multiplayer? I will make a pie chart in 24 hours with the results.
What I saw, what it actually looked like.
Gladiator Reaper
Which actor has become the most successful after being on The Walking Dead?
Flying Dragon Greyll holding for his life
OMG, they did it - they did the impossible.
10 hours of trys later...
Is Lost iconic in pop culture ?
What chapter is your vanguard from?
I'm not the sneaky beaky they think I am at home- I'm a rocket man!
Give Adam Warlock some form of movement please, it would make him so more fun to play!
Scarlet Witch Fan Art (Art by me, Suddakka)
”yeah my battle brother is from a successor chapter how’d you know?”
How cooked is bro?
Im having server issues
I downloaded this game today, is there no way for me to ever get the mark 7 screamer helmet just cus I missed the event?
I love the way patch 7.0 is looking!
WIP of Deathwatch Terminator