What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Best ways to update the full face look?
How to talk about sex with partner?
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Redditors over 25, what’s your best relationship advice?
What are things you do, or maybe want to do, to romanticize your life more?
What are you addicted to?
What’s something you do to romanticize your life?
UPDATE ! I chose the paint colour for my den wall
What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?
What bars are fun for 30-40 year olds?
What would instantly destroy your life just by doing it once?
How long did it take you to feel like an adult after reaching the age of majority?
Help! Why do I look so uncool?
What hobby sucks at first then becomes fun only when you get good enough at it?
Does anyone know if the white/cantaloupe bondi 8 Hokas are the same weird blue/purple hue white as the all white version?
Do you ever just get the urge to try a backflip?
What is the episode where Rachel says “you just.. said it..” very bluntly but kinda funny to someone. My husband and I quote it all the time but we can think of the scene!
Can't climax with PIV
I just tried to hang myself and I couldn’t follow through with it
Sex on the first date
New to shell outwear - I need layering help
Did you have a moment as a kid where you realized adults weren’t actually always smart?
Are there any properly pronounced English words where there is a voiced sound not represented by a letter in the word? (like the opposite of a silent letter).
Scariest movie you’ve ever watched?