Armored karuma or the new d 5 what do yall think?
Why is the Karin s95 still not free for me?
'HSW' name tag not showing up for any hsw car i drive. for example, the banshee hsw only shows up as 'banshee' when getting in.
ERR_GFX_STATE? Anyone have any idea how to fix this error?
I never recived Criminal Enterprise starter pack
Other players have better cars than me in some stunt races?
Reaching $2bn in legitimate ca$h
Is this rare?
Exclusive One-Time GTA$3,000,000 Offer FAQ by Rockstar Support - Don't Shoot the Messenger
Alien guns how to get now?
Since they fixed this in last patch and not the lack of text chat I doubt they will ever implement it in Enhanced :(
Question about HSW mods
Do you guys agree that Mule Custom is a waste of money?
Gta v enhanced ray tracing
I’m Stepping Down
High RT ir Very High settings
Better accelerating car than cyclone 2 ?
Body armor buy
Is GTA+ worth it ?
F1 Cars rare with plate?
Hot take, I don’t care if it’s 30fps and only 4k with scaling
Do you guys think GTA+ is a decent deal?
Weekly Bonuses and Discounts - March 4th to March 13th
Weekly Bonuses and Discounts - March 13th to March 20th (Not live until 5am EST on March 13th)
Why are PS5 players so much more toxic than PC players?