1 shot build of doom and despair
my first attempt at an assassination build
2 builds in one today blindseer fist and a 1 shot thunder build
Best chime oath?
How Does Being Dazed Affect Your Character?
best m1 pve build1!1!111!!!
Need some help with my build (Jus Karita Starkindred flamecharm)
I just made a build.(I'm a complete beginner and I have never made a build)
what talents become ineffective/less effective after shrine of order?
katana azure flames!
600 hp build(RA)
light lil sightread
might be my best build to date
the difference between silentheart and buff pves
warspear gaming
Is bloodrend attunement good? (Image not related)
What is your deepwoken take that got you looking like this
Voidwalker Megathread
Imperators edge build
shadow flames crypt I’d made a while ago
i had an idea after watching a pvp guide
best m1 build oat
Bored of double penetration
rate the build