Me when I overthink
Short story time
When u realize it’s too late to fix it
When u be meaning to talk to this person for so long but don’t and just think what could’ve been
What you think has been the best season so far
What has been the best season so far
In which game you sunk over 1000+ hours?
Am I the only one who enjoyed how Sam Rami handled the Symbiote and Venom?
KarmaCrunch Report: u/Pure-Professional144
Himmel & Frieren in office (by 无本之花)
I took a screenshot of this from a couple months ago.
What are some less common Marvel heroes or teams that may not be movie-worthy, but could be fun in a Disney Plus series?
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Review (IGN: 9/10)
Is it okay to take a gap year?
Wow this whole scene makes senses now
When you think the cap 4 gonna go to D+
Character who is just a random guy that got involved in the insanity by just happening to be near the main character(s).
Anyone worried about the Wolverine game?
What’s your favorite story moment from the 3 games
How many of yall gonna patiently wait for a year for season 4 instead of reading the books instead
Drop down in the comments and share a subreddit you made 👇😎👇
Real sonic magazine by the way
Ultimately, would you say that the MCU is a good adaptation of Marvel Comics?
Unspoken Obsession We All Have For Wanda 🔥
Far From Home SPOILERS: Leaked _____ suit!