Characters who are easily the best part of mostly negative reviewed media
Characters who replace "Fuck"/Fuck you" with something close.
OmniMan vs Kratos
[Cowboy Bebop]
Who is your favorite character originally from a fighting game?
Characters who take their mundane jobs way too seriously
Character duos or groups whose individual names put together create another name or phrase
(Loved Trope) When the villain exposes their true nature to the public, even by accident, it's always a good show seeing their reactions.
Say Something Good about the Diamond and Pearl Rap (English OP 10)
Since it's St. Patrick's day I want you guys to tell me your favorite character with an Irish accent
Bubbly, optimistic characters that can make friends with anyone
First Images from 'Mortal Kombat II'
Traumatize your favorite cartoon fandom with one image
Warner Bros Did No Advertising For This Movie- To Keep 2D Animation- Let’s Get People To Watch It.
Characters that are insanely oblivious when it comes to romance
If you were to be a padawan then who would you want as your Master???
I just think this is kinda funny
"These hands are rated E for everyone" characters fully willing to beat the shit out of kids
Immortal (Invincible) against Homelander (The Boys TV)
What’s your favorite 2010s show?
When the bad guys wear a really obvious disguise but no one recognizes them
Characters who mostly always have their eyes closed
Who that’s not from Street Fighter can give Akuma (Street Fighter) the challenge he wants?
What’s your favorite 2020s show so far?