CGM Negative Impacts
Food suggestions for tripping/after?
Future with a T1D Girl
Give me a song that reminds you of the best or worst point in your life
Oops! Accidentally let a naughty word slip in the teacher’s lounge (shit. I said “shit” because I was 59).
When you miss your parents or grandparents….
I'm going crazy
100% TIR possible…
Is falling in love when you are older less intense than when you are younger?
Tell me about your weirdest, scariest, funniest hypo experience
Question for those who have dealt with this for many years.
What misconceptions about diabetes do people have that annoys you?
Constant rage; am I the only one?
Insulin injection sites
T1 and CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft
Bf getting majorly stressed out at me being low
Do you still sleep with your partner or in a different room?
what is your attendance like?
35F 40M My boyfriend said he will never marry me. How do I proceed? [Update]
Forced to rawdog today
Hereditary factors
What old fashioned practices from schools in the past would you bring back?
My boyfriend feels it's safer to let his sugars run high and it kinda makes me nervous. Am I worrying too much?
What were your grandparents like?