Meals better than fast food but cost the same in Burbank.
I just wanted to say Thank You all
HOLLYWOOD BOOK & POSTER new location (across from Blast from the Past on Magnolia)
Querying / Script Request Question
Do you guys take a break after your first draft?
Staying in LA post-representation
Writing full time vs moving to LA and working
Creepy night time Horror movies like George Romero’s Night of The Living Dead?
How did Tarantino get True Romance produced into a film?
Anyone know what (non-mayonnaise commercial) they're filming on Olive?
Do managers have different playbooks to sell a script?
YouTube Scripts I Wrote in 2021 Repurposed for Hulu
Where should my gf and I eat tonight?
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, ink dip pen, 6x9” (art by me)
Looking for a book ...
Michael Bay says it’s hard to get movies made today: “No one can greenlight anything anymore.”
First-Time Writer: When Do You Know Your Script is Locked? (Self-Funded Indie Film)
Great quote from writer/director Peter Hyams about screenwriting
Accepted Into USC Screenwriting MFA!
Taking a client to small claims in another state
Has anyone done the Burbank PD physical agility course?
Is The Substance a great Horror concept?
Where to go from here?
1623 N San Fernando Blvd. will once again receive a new business.