Remember that episode of bringing up bates when Carlin’s bra strap was censored when she got her wisdom teeth removed? and you see this most recent pic of Callie and her bra strap is peaking out. Times have really changed with the Bates family.
Kelly's Birthday Post For Rhett
Yesterday I had my biggest class ever.
Guys, you're not gonna be possessed by a haunted doll
Excuse me, what hospital?
Where did you get married?
This girl lowkey looks like she could be a Duggar
KJ says Carlin’s daughter has “Indian skin”…
Bin out here still just 29 years old, kid #6 imminent!
I wonder if Addallee is aware of the fact she qualifies for disability benefits with her hearing loss
Ugly little kid [9] to now [37]
She actually used to be so pretty
15 and 46
Elijah aka Hawaiian Surfing Boy got married.
Fifty Shades of Beige
Cringiest name you ever saw on a roster?
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Josie Bates to me has always looked like Kaitlin Bennett whenever she closes her eyes and does that blissful reminiscing look but hey they are the same kind of people after all minus Kaitlin being Catholic 😂
Joy and Jingy Bates Adjacent giving us a link to Bates Sister Boutique for dresses they bought that nobody asked where they got them.
Joy and Jingy letting everyone know where they got their dresses from and advertised BSB. I don’t think anyone really asked?
Best Flair contest. Comment your flair below this thread and whichever Flair has the most upvotes will be on the Top 10 list.
Can we do like some kind of BEST flair competition like they’ve done in DuggarSnark? I know I get lots of compliments about mine but there are some amazing flairs here that are awesome and kick ass better than mine.
What is up with this Premiere crap Lawson and Tiffany keep doing?
Lydia and Renee were supposedly BFF’s and Renee wasn’t at her wedding from looking at photos online. I wonder if Renee wasn’t invited because of the shit Jill pulled at Hosanna’s(Lydia’s older sister) wedding a few years back?
Finished the school day early?