I feel their feelings
Anyone else want to absolutely strangle “scan_________” field research tasks? 😡
r/ADHD is the meme.
TIFU by developing an online gambling addiction
Who would win?
Steve Bannon pleads guilty to fraud charges in New York
While getting my sex change for the day, I couldn't help but notice the segregation of sheep. Explain this Jagex!
The only promising FIA president
Black Card?
Google Calendar removes Black History Month, Pride and other cultural events
Can we all agree Aqualad is just a goated Character
My ocd boyfriend has to line up all the fries before eating them.
My Goat
iPhone from 7th grade wants me to wait 53 years before attempting to unlock
App review request while I was in labour
I made a funny meme
Wilders herhaalt dreigement: kabinet valt als asielwetten worden aangepast
Every time i encounter Arlo i just cant unsee that he is just Nathan from SP...
Google Maps can't decide what to name the Gulf
I made Shelmet and Karrablast cake truffles for Community Day
Bears got nerfed 😭
Damn it brain