How I like to describe it
[Identification] - which Model is this?
ich iel
friend code
LF Friends for Gifts and Raids
War of Attrition
Daily Questions Megathread ( September 10, 2024 )
Need help figuring out best comp(s)
[homemade] eggs with ground beef
Thinking of moving to denmark
Dios de muertos by Rudy at Wicked Images in Wayne, NJ
My boyfriend has text me a total of 4 times in 3 days
New to running - want to Run this course as good as possible in a year - Tips?
[Slow Life: Strategy Collection] Guías generales | Parte 07 | Evento "Family Diary"
This flew into my bath at nighttime
Offering: English (C1) and German (native) | Seeking Spanish/Italian/French (beginner)
Offering: Spanish (native 🇵🇪), English (fluent) | Seaking: German, English (and friendship!)
Wanting Feedback for stoic tattoo Idea [Marcus Aurelius x Memento Mori]
My Kaneki tattoo from yesterday :) What do you think?
What's this style called?
[Feedback] Good Idea for Philosophie Tattoo? Marcus Aurelius x Memento Mori
how can i find out what rep range each of my muscles are best at? do i use 10rm or volume charts? because app says my 10rm is 40kg if i can do 30 reps for 6kg. and this is VERY WRONG
How to train with RIR?
Form check for my chest press