I’ll sit on your face and won’t get up until I’m satisfied. Do you understand?
Not to brag, but I haven't found Moder yet
Interesting swamp crypt placement
Why does nobody use barrels for storage?
TIL (after only 1101.2 hours) that if you have the Wishbone equipped you can find Muddy Scrap Piles under ground in the swamp. I'm guessing it also works in the Meadows to find buried chests?
Is valheim solo worth it?
Secret base
Troll Crisis
well i cant cut the birch right now...
My layered base walls. u/Karlo7045
What is that thing? when i approach him it disappear happens to me twice now did i mess something up?
Mistlands Exploration Tip (Zoom in camera)
Rate my portal setup
What’s your solution to the game feeling stale?
For the true ass lover
Check out my castle
Gaming the Swamp
Defeating the queen!
Returning to Valheim. What should i know?
Is there any way to fill in this gap? I've tried and just can't seem to do it.
I fell off my chair!
I might have a problem
My comfort zone
Beginner's Frustration?